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Idioms with animals - Bird


Français English Español
à vol d'oiseau from a bird's eye view a vuelo de pájaro
avoir un appétit d'oiseau to eat like a bird comer como un pajarito
avoir une cervelle d'oiseau to be weak ser débil
comme l'oiseau sur la branche = dans une position précaire to be in a precarious position estar en una posición precaria
le petit oiseau va sortir! say cheese! (when taking a photo) miren el pajarito! (al tomar una foto)
petit à petit, l'oiseau fait son nid = les choses se font progressivement things are made step-by-step las cosas se hacen en forma progresiva
prendre l'oiseau au nid = surprendre quelqu'un chez lui to surprise somebody at home sorprender a alguien en su casa
un oiseau de bon/mauvais augure a bird of good/bad omen un pájaro de buen/mal agüero
une hirondelle ne fait pas le printemps one swallow doesn't make a spring una golondrina no hace verano

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This is a great way to learn French! This book contains 15 fun short stories in French that will help you improve your French reading, as well as pronunciation and listening skills, since you can download the audio of all stories for free

There are two versions: a slow version to improve pronunciation and a normal version at natural speed. Each chapter also contains a glossary in English to help you remember new words and expressions. Highly recommended

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It contains seven fun short stories with a useful French-English glossary and it also offers downloadable audio for free in both slow and normal natural speed.

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Practice Makes Perfect French Reading and Comprehension

This is a fantastic method to improve reading comprehension using authentic texts from French newspapers, magazines and websites giving you a real taste of how language is used. 

There are also word lists and grammar explanations for each chapter. 

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Audiobook to learn French
with your Audible trial




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