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Vocabulaire français - French vocabulary


Français English Español
le bulletin scolaire the report card el boletín escolar
le cahier the notebook el cuaderno
le certificat the certificate el certificado
le cours the course el curso
le cours du soir the evening course el curso nocturno
la cour de récréation the playground el patio de recreo
la craie the chalk la tiza
le crayon the pencil el lápiz
les devoirs the homework los deberes
la dictée the dictation el dictado
le dictionnaire the dictionary el diccionario
le diplôme the diploma el diploma
le directeur the headmaster el director
la dissertation the essay la disertación
l'école the school la escuela
l'école maternelle the kindergarten el jardín de infantes
l'école primaire the primary school (UK)
the elementary school (US)
la escuela primaria
l'école secondaire, le lycée the secondary school (UK)
the high school (US)
la escuela secundaria
l'élève the pupil el alumno
l'étudiant the student el estudiante
l'examen the exam el examen
l'examen d'entrée the entrance exam el examen de ingreso
l'exercice the exercise el ejercicio
la gomme the eraser la goma de borrar
l'instituteur, l'institutrice the teacher el maestro, la maestra
la leçon the lesson la lección
le livre the book el libro
la note the grade la nota
le professeur, le prof the teacher el profesor
la récréation the break el recreo
la règle the ruler la regla
la salle de classe the classroom el aula
le stylo the pen la lapicera
le tableau blanc the whiteboard la pizarra
le tableau noir the blackboard el pizarrón
l'université the university la universidad

la matière the subject la materia
l'art art el arte
la biologie biology la biología
la chimie chemistry la química
la littérature litterature la literatura
les mathématiques math las matemáticas
la musique music la música
la géographie geography la geografía
l'histoire history la historia
la grammaire grammar la gramática
l'informatique information technology la informática
l'éducation physique physical education, P.E. la educación física
apprendre to learn aprender
apprendre par cœur to learn by heart aprender de memoria
avoir raison to be right tener razón
avoir tort to be wrong no tener razón
comprendre to understand comprender
enseigner to teach enseñar
demander to ask preguntar
répondre to answer responder
passer un examen to take an exam tener un examen
réussir à un examen to pass an exam aprobar un examen
échouer à un examen to fail an exam desaprobar un examen

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Recommended books (Ad)

French Short Stories for Beginners + Audio

This is a great way to learn French! This book contains 15 fun short stories in French that will help you improve your French reading, as well as pronunciation and listening skills, since you can download the audio of all stories for free

There are two versions: a slow version to improve pronunciation and a normal version at natural speed. Each chapter also contains a glossary in English to help you remember new words and expressions. Highly recommended

Click here to look inside the book

French Short Stories for Intermediate Level + Audio

This is from the same series as the book above, but intended for intermediate level students.

It contains seven fun short stories with a useful French-English glossary and it also offers downloadable audio for free in both slow and normal natural speed.

Click here to look inside the book

Practice Makes Perfect French Reading and Comprehension

This is a fantastic method to improve reading comprehension using authentic texts from French newspapers, magazines and websites giving you a real taste of how language is used. 

There are also word lists and grammar explanations for each chapter. 

Click here to look inside the book


Recommended book (Ad)

Learn French with Paul Noble: Complete Course

Audiobook to learn French
with your Audible trial




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